Tapu ae is a traditional Māori ball game. It is an adaptation of ki-o-Rahi to a court game, Today it is played on a hard surface such as a netball court. The court consists of two sides
What are the basic rules of tapu ae?:
1: Stay in your part of the court
2: Don't go into the guardian's circle
3: don't step out of your court's line
What are some of the te reo Maori Kupu that we talked about?:
Tapu Ae is one of many Kī (ball) game variations. The Pawero area's on the field were sometimes specially constructed mounds of dirt. Papa Tākaro (playing fields) were there is highly maintained and places for developing physical well being, requiring a range of different skills. The Referee Starts the game by throwing the Kī into Te Ao (the middle zone) this is done after each tupu hit. If a team losses possession out of bounds over the sides, then they hand over the Kī to the other team.
What were your roles in your team for these games:?
I was a guardian for most of the games.
What did you enjoy the most about the game?:I just really enjoyed being the guardian.
What were the drawbacks that you can think of?:
The ones I can think about is the lack of communication
What could your team do better next time you play?:
We could work on our communication more and not slacking off while the team at the end is playing.
Hi Dominique, I really enjoyed reading your blog post and I think it was really good. I like how you admit that our team needs to be better. I think next time you could add a bit more to your blog post, other than that, great job.