Slinkachu is a very famous photographer, he is famous for his tiny men photo's where he would put tiny men in different situations and would leave them there as a left behind art piece.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Friday, November 27, 2020
Music 2020
Overall everything was amazing and I enjoyed learning all instruments
I performed Howls Moving castle: Merry- Go- Round - Life , I performed a solo, I chose it because it has a really big meaning to me and I thought It would be cool if I learnt it.
It was alright, I was very nervous
Not necessarily I messed up on a piece because of my nervousness
Thursday, November 26, 2020
The Maze Runner
In politics we got the opportunity to watch the maze runner, and it was a really great film highly recommend it if you are ever bored or just want a excitement boost, one interesting thing I learnt about maze runner is the setting it is shot in and its over all just amazing, one thing I want to know is why only send one person once a month when you cold just gather everyone and send them to the glade.
Friday, November 6, 2020
Nelson Mandela TimeLine
In politcs we got to do a timeline about Either Hero's and Villain and all of the people on the list were leaders, for example if you wanted to do Hitler's timeline you could either portiere him as a hero or a villain.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
In Home room we have been working on a DLO based on a whakatauki, ( a whakatauki is relevant to a quote) I had chosen "Ehaea takyu toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini translates to; My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success but success of a collective. The quote is hard to understand but when you do it has a really good meaning behind it.
Monday, November 2, 2020
Gates exhibit more than one style of leadership. Authoritarian leaders like to keep control. Gates required so much control that he even signed off the expenses of Steve Ballmer who was second in command.
Martha pays personalised attention to every detail, and remains meticulous and demanding of her staff. Martha follow her autocratic leadership style.
Hoover was born into a family of Quakers, working to provide humanitarian relief around the world before he became part of the US presidential many people worked hard using their own skills and talents to help create one of the world’s richest and strongest countries at the time, with Queen Victoria staying out of business unless it was necessary.
chief executive officer of Toyota Motor North America, Inc., is one of the best leaders to have shown how effective it is to guide a team directly through challenges and failures in order to minimize damageBob Diamond has seen a lot of success through UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s deregulated financial markets, taking calculated risks and working directly with other people while being both cautious and aggressive to build Barclay’s into huge player in the global financial market.
Weber was the first to describe rational-legal leadership the style that would come to be known as transactional leadership as transactional leaders espouse honesty, fairness, responsibility, and honoring commitments.
At that time, the transformational/ transactional leadership research paradigm that Bernie originated was gaining much attention at other universities, corporations and the media
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Group Preformance
What is the song you are doing?
I am doing Howls Moving castle on piano
What is the song about
I'm not quite sure since it is from a movie
Who is in your group? what is each person doing
Chara, Sierra, and I
Which part of the song are you working on first?
I'm only doing the first bit of it
How do you feel about performing in front of the class for the first time?
It's alright I am nervous in case they judge me and all but I think ill be fine if I just focus on the piano and the song
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Instrument elvauation
We have studied a range of instruments and how to play chords or how to play the melody
Which instrument have you enjoyed and why
I enjoyed guitar because I just have a soft spot for it I guess.
which instrument did you find most challenging and why
I would say guitar because of the strumming pattern
which instrument are you going to focus on for the rest of the term and why
I'm going to be focusing on guitar this term because i generally really just want to be able to play a song.
Friday, September 11, 2020
photo montage
Hannah Höch, née Anna Therese Johanne Höch, (born November 1, 1889. Hannah Höch was a German Dada artist known for her political photomontages. Made from newspaper clippings and found objects, her work often engaged with the early 20th-century ideal of the “New Woman”—one who challenged the traditional domestic role of females.
Hannah Hoch played a huge role in our photomontages, we had to learn about how she as an artist had become so popular for her bazaar photo work.
For the past 3 weeks, we had been trying to recreate Hanna Hoch's bazaar art style we had two-three weeks of making scrapbooks and after we had finished our scrapbooks we had to make three posters based on Hannah Hoch's way of putting everything together but we had a choice on what we wanted the images to be.
My photomontages
My first photo is a guy lying in a stadium with butterflies and a butterfly covering his face the focal point is the butterflies.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Labeled Guitar
What is challenging about playing guitar:
What I think is challenging is the strum pattern and the shifting to different chords.
What are the differences between guitar and ukulele/ which one is better/easier for you to play:
Guitars are bigger than ukuleles. Also, the standard guitar has 6 strings, while the ukulele has 4. The fretboard of the ukulele is significantly thinner than the guitar
Song you like that incorporates guitar as the main instrument/ who preforms it/sings it and why you like it.:
I really like this film and the song he plays aswell.
it was easy to learn about it but when I held it and started learning the chords and the strum pattern it was very difficult but I enjoyed it nonetheless
where is the ukulele from where was it formed? by who?
The ukulele originated in the 19th century as a Hawaiian adaptation of the Portuguese machete, The instrument, originated in Europe and was introduced to Hawaii in 1879 when a Portuguese immigrant named Joao Fernandez
Add a labeled picture of the ukulele

Which song have you been learning?
We learned the song Just the way you are by Bruno mars