
Friday, March 15, 2019


What did you do on Tuesday?:
For Hurumanu on Tuesday we played a game called Multiball so basically it's just a game where you combine games that involve balls for instants Basketball Football,Netball etc

Within your sport group what worked well?:
At first it was really rough because people were not listening to the leaders and that made them angry and about after a while everyone calmed down and we started working together and we let every one have a chance to voice their idea 

What do you need to change for next time?:
I could change maybe lowering my voice so don't make other people think I'm angry when I'm not and not try tell every one to shut up when they are talking over someone 

What are you looking forward to when you present:
I'm just hoping the other team will like our idea's and have fun and not complain 

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