For amplifying emotional intensity, this shot puts the camera right in the actor’s face, making even their smallest emotional cues huge and raises the intensity of the problems behind them.

Close up:
More intimate than the medium shot, the expressions, and emotions of an actor are more visible and affecting and is meant to engage the character in a direct and personal manner.

Medium close up:
between a mid-shot and a closeup. This shot shows the face more clearly, without getting
uncomfortably close, having only their head and shoulders in the shot

Medium Shot:
It's just like the medium close up the medium shot is where we are starting to engage with the characters on a personal level. It is an approximation of how close someone would be when having a casual conversation.

Long (wide) shot
The distance of the camera from its subject also reflects an emotional distance, the audience doesn’t get as emotionally involved in what’s going
Medium long shot:
Falling between the long and close shots, this is more informative than emotional. It is too close for the epic scale of a long shot and too far to convey the intimacy of a close up
Extreme long shot:
Typically used to show subjects of relatively massive scale. imagine a person climbing the tallest tower in the world they would be represented as a tiny speck.
Bird eyes View shot:
Taken directly above the scene to establish the landscape this kind of shot can look disorienting because it is rarely the way audiences themselves see the world.
Films are visual techniques. They have a combination of camera techniques. I hope you enjoyed and maybe learnt a few new things
What am I learning?
I learned about a whole different type of camera angles and camera techniques
How does this work show my learning?
It shows that I have researched about it all of the angels
What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
I'm wondering if all movie's use all these camera techniques or not
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